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About Us

Is your Soul Soaring? Transform your life with sound. Welcome to SoulOSoaring™ Home of sound meditations and alchemy crystal singing bowls, located in Southport, CT. My name is Terry Eldh and I am the founder of SoulOSoaring™. I am a sound alchemist, Reiki Master, Energy Codes & Bioenergetics practitioner who is blessed to combine my two passions – music, and sound as an alternative therapy. Joining my singing career -opera, and on Broadway in The Phantom of the Opera - with my alternative therapy skills, I lead deeply restorative crystal alchemy sound meditations. My course, Follow Your Inner Mozart is devoted to helping new and established sound practitioners understand the music theory behind their sound baths. As a Mentor for The Sound Healers Academy, I teach Master Classes in Music Theory and I am a Crystal Tones© singing bowl distributor. As a classically trained musician, I perform contemporary music scored for alchemy crystal singing bowls in symphonic works, chamber music and with professional choral groups. You can visit to learn more and join my monthly events.

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