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Louie & CoCo Jernigan

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Canine Co-Workers

Bringing Joy To Our Lives Daily

Meet Sadie

Owners: Casey & Christina Buckner

Tell us about Sadie.

Sadie is a 4-year-old Golden Retriever who loves to go everywhere with mom and dad. If you've ever stopped into Flip Flop Vacations, chances are you've met Sadie and experienced her delightful demeanor. 

What's a day in the life of Sadie look like? 

Sadie has the best life. She's like a child. She goes everywhere with us and loves hanging out with mom and dad. Her favorite thing to do is to greet the guests when they arrive for check in. She knows when the mail is coming and wants to pick it up and she knows when the garbage man is coming. It's the cutest thing to watch her get excited. The highlight of her day is coming to work. 

After work, she enjoys spending time with her family, going to the beach, and playing, long walks and showcasing Flip Flop Vacations with her bandanna. She also really enjoys dressing up for holidays like Mardi Gras or Halloween. 

Does Sadie have a special treat or toy that she likes? 

Sadie LOVES popsicles on a hot day. Sadie enjoys all treats and doesn't discriminate. 

Meet Brooklyn & Layla

Owners: Ross & Karen Whitworth 

Tell us about Brooklyn & Layla.

These girls are such sweethearts. Brooky, as we call her, is our quiet and reserved boxer. She greets our customers with her dog bowl and likes to make people think she's hungry. Layla on the other hand is our outgoing and attention seeking greeter. 

What does a day in the life of Brooklyn and Layla look like? 

These girls are spoiled. They are part of the family. They enjoy going into work and have their specific spots they like to play. While they have their first breakfast at home, by 8:30 - 9:00 am they are ready for their second breakfast. They make their rounds but also look forward to the visitors that come throughout the day. They really look forward to the battery guy, UPS & FedEx drivers... they know that those guys bring treats. Our customers that visit often want to know where they are if they aren't greeted by them. 

Meet Biscuit 

Owners: Clay & Bailey Wyatt

Tell us about Biscuit. 

Biscuit is the sweetest thing. He is a Maltipoo and is four months old. He absolutely loves cuddles and being a part of our family. He's currently in training like me as a therapy dog. He loves his group of blankets and likes to nap with his favorite toy Mr. Fox. 

Is there special training that he is going through as a therapy dog?

There is. I am finishing my masters in clinical mental health, and he makes a wonderful addition as a therapy dog, especially with children. I use CBT as part of my practice and Biscuit is a wonderful addition to that. There isn’t a one size fits all approach for therapy. He has gone to obedience training and is starting his training with an in-home trainer. Once he hits six months, he can do his Good Citizen Canine Test. While he is a future certified therapy dog, he enjoys coming to work with me in the meantime and learning the ropes. He is a great addition to play therapy and clients love him. 

Does he have a favorite toy?

Yes, he has Mr. Fox. He likes to take him everywhere. I'll often find him snuggled up in his blankets with Mr. Fox. It's cute to watch. 

Meet Maggie

Owners: Chuck & Summer Squires

Tell us about Maggie. 

Maggie is a Comfort Golden meaning that she is bred to be a companion. She is the most docile dog on the planet! 

What's a day in the life of Maggie look like?

Maggie is NOT a morning girl. She really likes to sleep in. When school is out for the summer, she stays home with the kids and gets to sleep in. She will get up when they do and start to make her greeting rounds. She will hang out with the kids and go swimming in the pool. When the kids are in school, Maggie comes to the store and hangs out during the day. She will lay around on the Benson’s sales floor until lunch time when she makes her rounds to have everyone share their lunch. Then she must be picked up and loaded into the car to go home. 

What does Maggie enjoy doing while at work? Does she have any special tasks or interests?

She lays around and enjoys belly rubs from our customers. She prefers to be at home with the kids. She is the happiest when they lay on the floor with their heads on her belly and watch TV. 

Tell us about a funny memory or work experience with her. 

Maggie was a “puppy return" The breeder in Athens, Georgia said that her first family returned her after 3 days, claiming that she "barked too much." She didn't tell us this until we'd driven 6 hours to pick her up. At that point, we just said, "oh well." She went home with us, and it was a SOLID six months before we ever heard her bark!  Maggie is the perfect dog for our family, and we wouldn't change one thing about her. 

Meet Mayor

Owner: Brent & Madge Williams

Tell us about Mayor. 

Mayor is a Golden Retriever with a little Goldendoodle mix. He was raised and taught at Canine Assistants in Alpharetta, Georgia. He is part of the "Andy Griffith" litter and has siblings named Andy, Opie, Barney, Aunt Bee, etc. He is the Mayor. We call him May for short. I received him due to a spinal cord injury I sustained at age 18. 

What does a day in the life of Mayor look like? 

Mayor goes everywhere with me. He follows me around in our home when he's not on a leash. He will crawl under my desk when I’m working there. He's a greeter at church, he makes people smile, and attends meetings and events, and retrieves things for me that I drop. He's been a great mascot for our girl’s high school softball team and even though we’ve only been together for a few months, he's won the hearts of our community. Recently, when I was in the hospital the spunky guy laid calmly by my bedside like a champ the entire time. It's amazing how he understood something was going on and put on his most gentle self, impressing me, doctors, nurses, and staff. He acts as a social bridge for my disability. People are uncomfortable with individuals in a wheelchair. 

What is Mayor's favorite way to spend time?

Mayor especially likes to keep an eye on me and his family. He loves to retrieve things I’ve dropped. He loves to play, and we play regularly with his favorite ball. It’s quite interesting to see how he lays it on my lap so I can throw it, but he makes everyone else take it from his mouth. Even though he’d rather bring it to me than give it to anyone else.

Tell me about a special memory or funny story. 

We’ve made so much progress in such a short time getting bonded and becoming a family. He’s been incredible… We can't wait to have many more experiences with him. 


Meet Squirt Gunn

Owners: Riaan and Courtney duPlessis

Tell us about Squirt Gunn.

He is just a sweet little snoozer dog. All his funny stories revolve around passing gas, so I'll leave that out. He's a 12 y/o male Chihuahua. 

What is a typical day for Squirt Gunn?

Typical day for Squirt Gunn is snoozing, potty time, eating, sniffing, looking for mommy, finding mommy, snooze, snooze, repeat. He has a decked out super-duper deluxe all-terrain dog stroller. It's his favorite place to be because he can come with us wherever we go. He has 6 beds at home and uses all of them. He loves to cover himself up and hide. He can be hard to find until I see his little nose sticking out. 

Meet Coco & Louie

Owner: Mary Jernigan 

Tell us about CoCo & Louie. 

CoCo and Louie are Mini Goldendoodles. They are brother and sister from the same litter.  I got them in February 2023. A lady came into our Shades store with a wagon full of puppies. Coco and Louie were inseparable. They had to be touching even when running around. I decided I couldn’t separate them, so I got both! I named them CoCo and Louie after my vintage handbag store. CoCo is calm, cool, and collected like her namesake and Louie is dramatic and needy!

What's a day in the life of your pet like? 

Coco and Louie have very busy schedules. They have two jobs. They work at Shades and Coco Louie. They greet customers, take pictures with them on the green selfie bench at Shades or on the pink couch at Coco Louie.  They sometimes wear their sunglasses while taking pictures with kids. They have their own T-shirts and stickers.  They pose with designer handbags for Instagram and Facebook. They even have their own billboards!

He acts as a social bridge for my disability. People are uncomfortable with individuals in a wheelchair. 

  • Bailey & Biscuit Wyatt
  • Summer, Maggie, & Chuck Squires
  • Karen, Ross, Layla, & Brooklyn Whitworth
  • Madge & Mayor Williams
  • Sadie Buckner
  • Louie & CoCo Jernigan
  • Squirt Gunn du Plessis

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