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From Gravel to Gold

How Waconia Women’s Health is helping women cultivate a strong foundation for fertility

Every woman’s journey to becoming a mother looks different. For some, it’s an easy road, for others, it’s met with significant challenges and heartbreak. But no matter the path that’s paved, pregnancy is a celebration of the incredible things a woman’s body can do.  

Stephanie Braunwarth, a board-certified women’s health practitioner and founder of Waconia Women’s Health, opened her clinic six years ago but has been practicing holistic medicine for twelve. She has a passion for helping and treating women and what lights her up the most is supporting them along their fertility journey.

When Stephanie first realized she wanted to pursue a career in healthcare, nothing traditional resonated with her. It wasn’t until she met and shadowed an acupuncturist that she found her calling. During her post-secondary education, Stephanie started to treat fertility patients. She loved the intricacies and the connections she was developing with women from start to finish. 

After she became a mom for the first time and fully understood the weight women carry, her desire to help women buffer their body’s response to stress to improve their quality of life grew stronger. 


Brooke and her husband had no problems conceiving their daughter but Brooke was met with pre-eclampsia and hemolysis that resulted in an emergency c-section five weeks before her due date. They desired to have their children close together, with dreams of delivering their second child with a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Just before their daughter turned one, they started trying for the next, however, Brooke experienced irregular cycles with no positive results for 5-6 months.  

Brooke found Waconia Women’s Health and scheduled a consultation the very next day. “Stephanie was so knowledgeable, and caring, and I felt extremely confident that she could make a difference in my current health.” She reached out to her Obstetrician and started a supplement a few months prior, but wanted to do further work to support her body more naturally. Stephanie prescribed her additional holistic supplements, gave very detailed lifestyle suggestions, and treated her with regular acupuncture. Just two months later, Brooke received a positive test!

The next challenge was keeping her body healthy and well during the pregnancy to prevent the conditions she experienced with her daughter. She was met with apprehension when she revealed her dream of having a vaginal delivery but was determined to try and see her body through it. With continued treatment, Stephanie tailored each appointment to address the symptom(s) Brooke was experiencing. She wasn’t as sick as she was in her first pregnancy and believes acupuncture played a role.

Much to the surprise of her doctor, herself, and the rest of her family, she made it 40 weeks and 4 days. After a 25-hour labor and delivery, without complications, on November 17, 2022, a healthy baby boy arrived. VBAC, no less! Brooke credits her experience to the amazing support and care that Stephanie provided.


Brittni always knew she wanted to be a mom, with a persistent longing in her heart that told her she was meant to have three children. When she and her husband decided to start their family, she suffered multiple miscarriages before welcoming their first son. Three years later, they welcomed a second son. She considers it a blessing that the path from one child to the second was so smooth. With this, she was hopeful that her road to the third would be subsequently seamless. Unfortunately, it was anything but.

After suffering 3 more miscarriages Brittni was left shocked, scared, and heartbroken as she watched her dream of having three kids fade quickly. However, the one thing that wasn’t fading was her faith. She could still hear God’s voice within, so she continued to trust and believe there was a plan. It was at this time that she started seeing Stephanie at Waconia Women’s Health.

After her first meeting with Stephanie, Brittni left with so much hope, peace, and a little homework. “The wealth of information that I received was impressive and encouraging,” she said. Brittni adjusted her diet, started weekly acupuncture therapy, and both she and her husband started taking supplements.

She found herself pregnant after a few months of regular acupuncture, along with her diet and supplement plan. Only this time, it felt different. It felt promising. Brittni experienced the pregnancy with minor complications and carried the baby full term.

Brittni and her husband were convinced it would be another boy but much to everyone’s surprise, on April 9, 2021, they welcomed a beautiful baby girl! Not only did Brittni see her dream of having three children come to life, but she was also blessed to add a little girl to her miracle mix.

Brittni truly believes that acupuncture and her treatment at Waconia Women’s Health, along with a doctor who listened, and her strong faith is how she was able to complete her family and fill her heart.

The mission of Waconia Women’s Health is to support women with their health concerns and help optimize every stage of their life, so they can thrive. Stephanie recognizes that every woman walks a different road to motherhood but finds it her job to support them regardless of the way.

Stephanie feels honored to be a part of this very personal and sometimes painful experience in a woman’s life. She’s hopeful that when her clients come to her, they feel supported and heard and know that they’re not alone. These experiences tell a story, one that Waconia Women’s Health finds joy in helping write positive and impactful endings for their patients. 

Stephanie was so knowledgeable, caring, and I felt extremely confident that she could make a difference to my current health.


The wealth of information that I received was impressive and encouraging.


  • Stephanie Braunwarth finds great joy in supporting women on their fertility journey
  • After her first visit to Waconia Women’s Health, Brooke felt hopeful and supported
  • Brittni is forever grateful for the treatment and care she received from Stephanie

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