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Linda Paints

At the age of 73, Linda Lutz started painting, just five years ago. What began as a late start has blossomed into a colorful journey. Linda’s dynamic creations stand as a testament that it is never too late to pursue new adventures and redefine the narrative of aging. 

Linda’s introduction to art actually came many years ago. As an elementary school student, Linda says a teacher dismissed her artistic potential, asserting that she was merely wasting materials and lacked the skill to participate in class. Linda took those words to heart and avoided art classes through school. A little wistfully, she reflects, “I always loved art, though. I Ioved looking at pictures, especially Monet’s paintings.”

After a career as a medical social worker, raising four children, and later working as a realtor and store owner, Linda’s artistic reawakening came in the form of a simple gift – a package of pastel chalk and an encouraging nudge from someone who saw the potential she had long overlooked. Casual doodling soon transformed into a full-fledged passion.

A quest for more vibrant colors led her to experiment with bright acrylics. Learning as she went and mimicking ideas she found on Pinterest, Linda focused on making simple designs on wood and canvas postcards. It wasn't until recently, however, that she had the courage to return to the classroom by enrolling in an art class at Longview College, free for residents aged 65 and older.

“Before the class, I was painting from instinct. Now, I am learning some of the actual tools. It has been challenging. We had to do a self-portrait and we had to do perspective, so I am learning a lot. I am going to take another class next semester.”

Linda’s commitment to learning and growth exemplifies the profound impact pursuing one’s passion can have, no matter the age. 

Every morning, Linda greets the day ready to create. From 4 am to 6 am, the quiet hours of dawn are devoted to the canvas. She finds much of her inspiration from the beauty and colors of the Caribbean.

For Linda, painting is not just a creative pursuit; it is a puzzle to solve. “Can I do this? OK, now can I learn to do that? It’s a challenge. It keeps me going, and it is fun,” she explains with enthusiasm. Her favorite part lies in navigating the “muddy middle” of a painting—the point of uncertainty when doubts surface. Yet, pushing through reveals the joy of accomplishment.

“Just because you are retired or just because you have done one thing does not mean you can’t try something new. If that doesn’t work, try something else!”

You can see more of Linda’s paintings on her website, or on Facebook and Instagram at linneypaints.