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The Red Berry Co.

Tori Taylor, the creative behind the CSRA's best chocolate covered strawberries

Why did you decide to open The Red Berry?

It’s quite a funny story actually! I’ve always loved chocolate covered strawberries and have gotten some every year on my birthday for as far back as I can remember. One year, my incredibly sweet husband decided to surprise me and try his hand at making my berries himself! Let’s just say, they were trickier than he anticipated. After we got done scraping all the burned chocolate off of the kitchen counter, I decided to give it a try myself. I was a natural and they were the best I’d ever had! After that, I couldn’t go back to the store bought options available around town. I started making berries for my family and friends, and after many raving reviews, I decided to start a business offering them!

What do you love most about what you do?

I love the artistry that goes into every box I make. When I get to hand-paint a gorgeous design on a berry, it’s a great day! Trying to put most designs on a small chocolate covered strawberry requires a great amount of creativity, and I love that push to think outside of the box. It also brings me an incredible amount of joy to know I am creating something fresh, unique, and the top of the line in my industry. I take the quality of my products, from the berry to the completed box, very seriously and I love knowing my customers appreciate that attention to detail.

When is the deadline to order for Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day orders close on February 7th, or when all slots are sold out. Don’t wait!

Can strawberry orders be customized?

Excluding major holidays, all strawberry orders are custom and when it comes to design, the sky's the limit!

How do I place an order?

All orders can be placed online at

What are your gourmet custom treats?

We specialize in chocolate covered strawberries, but we offer several different types of treats including fruit arrangements, gourmet apples, and chocolate candies.

What all services do you offer?

Aside from desserts, I also offer Sip & Paint classes around the CSRA that are loads of fun! Keep an eye out on our social media to see where I will be next!!

Follow Tori’s Facebook page @The Red Berry Co. and Instagram account @TheRedBerryCompany to see her latest creations, updates, and to learn more about her Sip & Paint Classes.

  • Photography Credit: Leon Johnson Photography